Road winding through green hills, Derbyshire, UK.

Institutional Retirement

Institutional Retirement is the UK’s longest-serving active bulk annuity provider

Who we are

Institutional Retirement is the only insurer to have been operating continuously in the UK market from our entrance in 1987 to the present day. Our UK retirement annuity book stands at an estimated £86.1 billion at 31 December 2023.

Across our retail and institutional retirement businesses, we look after more than 1 million customers, around c.700,000 of whom are institutional customers who have had their retirement benefits secured with us.

What we do

UK pension risk transfer (PRT)

Providing pension risk transfer solutions such as buy-ins and buyouts for UK defined benefit (DB) schemes

US pension risk transfer (PRT)

Providing pension risk transfer solutions for US DB schemes


Providing solutions from our global reinsurance hub in Bermuda.

We work with companies, DB pension schemes and their advisors to help them secure and protect scheme members’ retirement benefits. By doing this we:

  • Help companies to settle their pension liabilities and focus on growing their businesses
  • Help support individuals' financial security in retirement
  • Invest for the long term to back our pension promises