Man sitting at desk with computer screen showing L&G logo

Memberships, ESG ratings and commitments

We have received a number of external awards and commendations for our responsible business performance. We also work with many organisations that focus on sustainability issues. This helps to increase our corporate awareness and reputation, which in turn means we have greater access to expert knowledge to better run our business.

Accreditations and commitments:

United Nations Global Compact

The UN Global Compact is a voluntary United Nations initiative to encourage businesses and firms worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and to report on their implementation. The Global Compact supports companies to do business responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with the Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

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The Good Business Charter

The Good Business Charter is an accreditation which organisations in the UK can sign up to in recognition of responsible business practices. It measures behaviour over 10 components: real living wage, fairer hours and contracts, employee wellbeing, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing and prompt payment. An organisation must meet all 10 commitments to receive the GBC accreditation.

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Business in Community (BITC)

We are a member of BITC. BITC and its network of business members aim to create a fair and sustainable world in which to live and work. Formed in 1982, BITC is the largest and longest-established membership organisation dedicated to responsible business.

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Living Wage Foundation

We are a Real Living Wage Employer (and a member of the Living Wage Foundation), committed to paying our people a fair and respectable wage.

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ESG ratings and indices:

Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)

ISS ESG Corporate Ratings on companies provide investors with in-depth insight to effectively incorporate sustainability into their investment decisions. As of January 2023, Legal & General received a C+ rating, achieving Prime status.

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The FTSE4Good Index Series

The FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of FTSE companies demonstrating strong ESG practices. For 2022, our overall FTSE4Good ESG score was 4.5 enabling us to remain a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series.

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In January 2024, Legal & General Plc received an ESG Risk Rating of 18.6 and was assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics to be at low risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. In no event should this information be construed as investment advice or expert opinion as defined by the applicable legislation.

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S&P Global

The S&P CSA score is the S&P Global ESG Score without the inclusion of any modelling approaches. Position and scores are industry specific and reflect exclusion screening criteria. More information on methodology and exclusions is available here.

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Memberships and collaborations

We are a member or supporter of multiple associations and initiatives, including:

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