Our commitment to diversity and inclusion
At its heart, our business is predicated on using capital to meet significant social challenges through long-term investment.
We are ambitious in the scale of the challenges we seek to address. To meet these ambitions, we believe that we need a culture which fosters collaboration, constantly improves its people’s decision-making and moves quickly to solve problems in innovative ways. We believe that diversity of experience brings diversity of thought and perspective, which in turn drives greater proximity to customers, better-informed decisions and a culture which more readily embraces innovation.
This requires certain leadership characteristics, such as curiosity, intellectual humility and interpersonal authenticity. In combination, these characteristics create team environments where a range of ideas, insights and perspectives can be gathered; and where our people’s wide range of innate strengths and potential can be harnessed for the benefit of our firm and our clients, customers and shareholders.
Our strategy
Our strategy to realise the vision of a more diverse workforce and a more inclusive workplace is set out in the graphic below. This strategy has been in place for two years and during this time we have made progress in delivering it. We have strong foundations built on a much improved understanding of our people’s lived experience and of our organisational culture.

Our goals
We have set the following goals for our D&I strategy which have been designed to increase the representation of women and ethnic minorities in our workforce.
A fuller description of the actions we are taking to advance our diversity and inclusion goals, including closing pay gaps, can be found in our Social impact report.
D&I Council
Cultural tone is set from the top, which is why we seek to involve our senior leaders in setting the agenda for D&I. The D&I Council plays a critical role in shaping the D&I strategy and ensuring accountability within the firm. It is made up of a group of senior leaders from across L&G with each member also having a targeted area of focus. The Council continues to update the Group Board regularly via the Nominations and Corporate Governance Committee and to coordinate the work of our business D&I committees.
We work with external bodies to help us develop our understanding of issues connected to diversity and inclusion. We have established partnerships with the following bodies:

Women In Finance Charter
We're committed to several external initiatives that support diversity, equity and inclusion outcomes including the Parker Review, FTSE Women Leaders and the Women In Finance Charter. You can read more about the Women In Finance Charter using the link the below.
1Dates should be taken to mean by 31 December of the year in question.
2‘Senior roles’ means employees in our four most senior management grades.