Central Square Resized

Here’s to the next 25 years, Cardiff

Legal & General put down roots in Cardiff back in 1996 under the leadership of our former chief executive David Prosser, who was born in the city. Just like Prosser back in the 90s, we know the power and potential of Wales.

That’s why, in 2023, we moved over 2,500 employees to the brand new £140 million Interchange building in Central Square.

In doing so, we are committing to Cardiff for another 25 years, and beyond.

The money we are putting into the Interchange is part of our £1 billion regeneration project in Cardiff. This project is creating space for up to 13,000 new jobs and will create £1.1 billion of gross value added, giving Cardiff an even brighter future, one that we want to continue to be part of.

Our history with Cardiff

Since opening two offices in Cardiff in the late 90s, we have expanded our business tremendously – growing our Welsh business by 32%, from 1,900 to 2,500 employees – given back to the community via charitable enterprises and invested in the city’s infrastructure. From running a financial education programme for schoolchildren in Cardiff, to transforming children’s financial education with RedSTART, our presence in the city has long had inclusive capitalism at its heart.

4 people in front of a building infographic

£200 million

Legal & General provided £200 million of financing to the Wales & Borders franchise in 2019. The money will be used to improve services for train passengers while reducing carbon emissions through electrification.

Our new Cardiff HQ

Since opening two offices in Cardiff in the late 90s, we have expanded our business tremendously – growing our Welsh business by 32%, from 1,900 to 2,500 employees – given back to the community via charitable enterprises and invested in the city’s infrastructure. From running a financial education programme for schoolchildren in Cardiff, to transforming children’s financial education with RedSTART, our presence in the city has long had inclusive capitalism at its heart.

Cardiff L&G HQ illustration

Keeping it local

In line with our commitment to inclusive capitalism, we are using local suppliers and products on The Interchange where possible. This will create jobs and skills in the local area and improve the social impact the building delivers.

Net Zero

The fit out of the building is targeting net zero carbon and we are reducing embodied carbon throughout the base build. Our aim is to be certified BREEAM Outstanding, a top sustainability rating.

L&G Cardiff central square illustration

Regenerating Central Square

Legal & General’s office space in The Interchange is the fifth stage of a much bigger scheme to regenerate Central Square. It is the largest privately funded development in Wales and includes 318 build-to-rent homes and a 14-bay bus station. Previous stages involved the development of the BBC Wales headquarters and the Government Hub, which is home to 4,000 public servants from a number of government departments, including HMRC, which is the biggest occupier. This collaborative effort with government stakeholders and developer Rightacres aims to set the city apart as one of the UK’s top places to live, work and invest.

“I am extremely proud of our work we have done at Central Square, which upon completion will add around £1.1 billion of gross value added to the region and create space for up to 13,000 new jobs.”

Nigel Wilson

Chief Executive - Legal & General

£1.1 billion

Over the years, Legal & General has invested nearly £1.1B GVA in Cardiff.1

“Anyone who knew Cardiff ten years ago will know that as you came out of the train station it was really run down. What we’ve been able to do is totally transform that area which we now know as Central Square. ”

Laura Mason

CEO - Legal & General Capital


1Legal & General Press Release, 30 October 2020.