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Legal & General supports LGBT+ young people’s charity in tackling bullying
Legal & General Assurance is proud to continue its partnership with Just Like Us, an LGBT+ young people’s charity which tackles homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. The charity aims to make education more inclusive and to improve the lives of LGBT+ young people across the UK.
16 Jun 2021
Full press release

Legal & General plans to donate a further £10,000 towards the Just Like Us Ambassador programme, which sees the charity recruit, train and support LGBT+ young people aged 18-25 to become volunteer ambassadors. Once trained, the ambassadors will go into schools and colleges to deliver talks and workshops empowering, championing and celebrating LGBT+ inclusion and equality.
Last year, volunteers from Legal & General helped the ambassadors to develop public speaking skills and practice these in online breakout rooms. The support from the volunteers helped to prepare the ambassadors to deliver their own impactful talks and workshops to thousands of students nationwide.
The financial support from the Legal & General Group so far has enabled the charity to easily adapt to online training for new ambassadors, which previously took place in person. The digital transformation of the Ambassador programme has proved to be particularly effective, with 132 new ambassadors completing all stages - an increase on the previous year’s 101 ambassadors. The charity has now started to offer virtual ambassador talks to schools, with 16 talks benefiting more than 3,000 young people having been delivered.
Phil Anderson, Chief Operating Officer, Legal & General Retirement Institutional: "At Legal & General, we know discrimination wastes talent, so we continue to work towards creating a workplace where we can all perform at our best, no matter who we are.To create a diverse and inclusive society, we need to empower the next generation by having these conversations at school.
I am inspired by all the support Just Like Us provides to LGBT+ young people and its vital role in raising awareness around homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and look forward to continuing our partnership with Just Like Us to help tackle this social issue."
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