Laura Wade-Gery

Independent Non-Executive Director

Photograph of Laura Wade-Gery

Laura was appointed to the Board in January 2022. She has extensive knowledge of digital transformation, business strategy and customer experience transformation.

Skills and experience

Laura’s previous executive roles include her position as Director of Multi-Channel, a main board member at Marks and Spencer Group Plc and as Chief Executive Officer of Laura served as Chair of NHS Digital and Moorfields Foundation and HAS served as a Non-Executive Director of NHS England. She was previously a Non-Executive Director of the John Lewis Partnership and British Land Company Plc. Laura is the Board’s Consumer Duty Champion.
Laura's appointment reflects the Company's commitment to technological innovation and user experience as it seeks to become a market leader in the digital provision of insurance and other financial solutions. Her broad experience as a business leader as well as her Non Executive roles will bring breadth at both a strategic and operational level.

External appointments

  • Britten Pears Arts (Trustee and Chair of Trading Subsidiary)

Committee membership

  • Nominations and Corporate Governance Committee
  • Data and Technology Committee (Chair)
  • Risk Committee
  • Remuneration Committee (Chair)