
The last six years has seen great change in our business and I’ve always been hugely impressed by the hard work, skills and professionalism displayed by our employees”

Read John’s last Chairman’s statement prior to his retirement


You’ve said that the UK suffers from under investment. In what areas would you like to see more money put into?


Investment in infrastructure such as clean energy and housing will create employment and generate growth in areas which have missed out on the recovery.


Key shareholder information

Full year dividend


2014: 11.25p

Final dividend


To be paid on 9 June 2016

Annual general meeting

26 May


Key performance indicators

Operating profit


2014: £1,275m

Net cash generation


2014: £1,104m

Return on equity


2014: 16.9%

Total shareholder return (TSR)


2014: 184%
Over the three-year period ended 31 December 2015

Indicators & Financial strength

Standard & Poor’s Financial Strength


2014: AA-

Standard & Poor’s financial strength rating for Legal & General Assurance Society Limited

Solvency II Capital Surplus


Figures are pre-accrual of proposed final dividend

Solvency II Capital Coverage Ratio


What we do

As well as being an asset gatherer, we also manage insurance risk

Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM)

We manage investments on behalf of institutional and retail customers, with a growing international focus. Responsible for managing our workplace savings business. Manages funds for businesses across the group.

Assets under management


2014: £694bn

Legal & General Capital (LGC)

We formed LGC in 2013 aiming to increase the risk adjusted returns on the assets backing the group's regulatory solvency requirement and surplus, while helping to build the group’s franchise. Our focus is on making direct investments in urban regeneration, housing, clean energy and alternative finance.

LGC Direct investments


2014: £0.7bn

Legal & General Retirement (LGR)

We help defined benefit (DB) pension schemes to manage liabilities with insurance solutions. Enables individual customers to manage retirement income including boosting funds by freeing up equity in their homes. Works with LGA on derisking solutions.

Annuity assets


2014: £44.7bn


Other reports

For historical performance and additional information and presentations including our investor presentations, please visit our reporting centre.

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