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LGIM and CBIS co-file Exxon shareholder resolution over lack of disclosure
Investor coalition brought together to push for greater disclosure of asset retirement obligations (AROs)
17 Apr 2023
Full press release
Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) and Christian Brothers Investment Services (CBIS) have today announced the co-filing of a shareholder resolution at ExxonMobil’s 2023 AGM, requesting the board to fully disclose the quantitative impact of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Net Zero Emissions (NZE) scenario on all of their asset retirement obligations (AROs).
Asset retirement obligations are an essential part of the energy transition and particularly significant for the oil and gas sector, with many in Exxon’s peer group already disclosing a considerable amount of ARO detail. Nevertheless, the company currently doesn’t provide such disclosure on its downstream assets, claiming such obligations can’t be reasonably estimated as they will run well into the future.
The resolution has been filed by a coalition of likeminded investors after years of individual engagement with the ExxonMobil board and relevant decision makers. It calls for further transparency and disclosure from the company, amid investor concerns around costs associated with the decommissioning of Exxon’s assets in the event of an accelerated energy transition. We believe this information is vital for the company’s shareholders, helping us to better evaluate financially material risks and provide insight that is decision useful as investors assess long term value and economic viability of the business in a carbon constrained economy.
Given ExxonMobil’s business model is not aligned with the Paris Goals of 1.5 degrees, for LGIM, this is an organic escalation step for the investment stewardship team. It is a key part of our approach to investee company engagement and expectations around appropriate disclosure. It also follows the decision taken in 2019 to divest applicable shares in ExxonMobil from the L&G’s Future World Fund Range, around concerns it failed to address risks posed by climate change.
Michael Marks, Head of Investment Stewardship and Responsible Investment Integration, LGIM:“By filing this proposal, we are seeking greater clarity into the costs associated with the retirement of Exxon’s assets, in the event of an accelerated energy transition. We believe such level of disclosure is imperative for investors to better evaluate long-term risks and economic viability of the business in a carbon constrained future.”
John W. Geissinger, Chief Investment Officer at Christian Brothers Investment Services:“Last year, a majority of Exxon’s shareholders voted for our resolution seeking an audited report assessing the financial impact of the IEA NZE assumptions, including future asset retirement obligations. Despite this, the company’s disclosures still give investors little insight into how retirement costs might accelerate, and how large they might be. Exxon may assume an asset can operate indefinitely, but this may not prove out. Investors are simply asking: what is the total cost of meeting these liabilities?"
Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time and a financially material risk, in our view. For LGIM, engagement and voting are two key levers that support our commitment to aligning our assets with a net-zero trajectory by 2050. Specific engagements like this resolution, build on our well established climate impact pledge engagement programme and voting policy, while holding companies to account, protecting our clients’ assets and safeguarding the planet.
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